Top 3 Tips for a Safe Taxi Ride

» Posted by on May 25, 2017 in taxi | 0 comments

Every time you ride in a taxi, you surrender the vehicle’s control to the driver. Most of the time, the taxi driver is not familiar to you, which is why you should think carefully about your safety when you ride in a taxi.


However, there are a lot of taxi drivers that are great sources of information about current events, local customs, best entertainment venues and restaurants, and many more. Cab drivers are usually experts about safe and unsafe neighborhoods as well as what threats might lurk at your destination or hotel.

A lot of taxi drivers are also good to talk with as well as it can be a great opportunity to master your language skills especially if you travel to a place that has different language. Still, you should always be careful about over sharing any information about yourself since they might pass the information to other people who might do you harm. Below, you’ll be able to learn the top 10 tips for a safe taxi travel.

  1. Make sure to ask ahead for the common price and tipping range.

Your host or the hotel staff can be able to tell you about the typical price range for a taxi ride as well as the appropriate amount when tipping. Have a better understanding about the amount that you have to pay, as well as confirming the price with the taxi driver ahead of time can simply mean less stress and hassle when it is time for you to pay your fare. In addition to that, a lot of dispatchers can also advice you about the typical taxi fare to your destination, so as much as possible, try to get a quote of the price ahead of time.

  1. Call for a taxi service instead of hailing one.

Sometimes, independent cab drivers who are not licensed work in partnership with thieves. Most of the time, the scam goes this way – the driver will try to spot something valuable on your belonging such as a mobile device, a camera, jewelry, or money and they will inform the thief through text about the route that you will be taking. Since the thief knows the route and the taxi, they will wait at the stoplight so when the door opens, they can snatch your valuable stuffs.

Ask for the number of the can when you talk to the dispatcher so that you can be able to make sure that you are getting in the right car. In addition to that, make sure that the number of the taxi, or at least the name and contact number of the company is visible on the taxi before you step inside.

  1. Never take a cab alone if you are drunk.

If you’re drunk, it might seem like the best decision to take a taxi ride. However, if you are drunk, the taxi ride may lull you to sleep or may put you into a half conscious state. This is certainly not to best situation to defend yourself from any mishap.  As a matter of fact,  helpless drunk passengers have been raped, robbed, beaten and killed after taking a taxi ride so it’s better to take a non drunk friend along with you if you really have to take the cab and try to stay awake during your travel.



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